Sunday, 9 August 2020

Changing Plymouth theme

 Linux is the unique system that allows complete customization.Almost no system allows changing the boot animation except Linux. Plymouth is a service that manages the boot animation.It was originally created as a side project on fedora.Now its used in almost all mainstream distros with minor variations. In this post I will describe how to install additional Plymouth themes through package manager as well as manually from third-parties.

Installing plymouth through dnf

 sudo dnf install plmouth-themes-*

# for displaying all installed themes

plymouth-set-default-theme --list 

# select your favourite one (eg:solar)

plymouth-set-default-theme solar

dracut -f /boot/initramfs-currentimage

where currentimage stands for kernel image name 

just use tab after initramfs- it will show applicabale options 

dracut -f is essential since the boot animation should be loaded before the system loads.

its similiar to update-instramfs -u in debian systems.

Installing plymouth manually

goto to and download a plymouth theme (eg: darwin ) .

extract the file .

(If your using debian systems follow the instructions as that in download page and skip remaining steps )

for fedora,
# Copy the downloaded archive contents to this location
cp -R darwin /usr/share/plymouth/themes/

# Replace darwin.plymouth file contents with following:
vi /usr/share/plymouth/themes/darwin/darwin.plymouth

Plymouth Theme]
Name=Darwin OS X Plymouth
Description=A Plymouth of OS X Yosemite


# install it
update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/plymouthd.defaults plymouth d.defaults /usr/share/plymouth/themes/darwin/darwin.plymouth 100
# Choose Darwin
update-alternatives --config plymouthd.defaults
# Update
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-currentimage